50 common word roots, prefixes and suffixes

50 Common Word Roots prefixes and suffixes for the GRE

some words are made up of different parts, for example, unemployment.
unemployment has a beginning (prefix), a middle (root word) and an ending (suffix)


un ----->; prefix

employ---->; root

ment---->; suffix

A root word is a real word and you can make new words from it by adding prefixes and suffixes.
Root words are helpful for learning both the meaning and the spelling of a word. 
here are sone more examples of root words and their woerd families:

use:  useless, useable, used, using, user, misuse
friend: friendly, friendship, unfriendlyfriendless
faith: faithful, faithfully, unfaithful, unfaithfully

what is root word

Below find, a list of 50 common word roots, prefixes, and suffixes that may help you on the GRE, as well as some words that use each of those roots. This list was drawn up by looking at what roots appeared repeatedly on official GRE prep materials.

/////////////////////Root,        Prefix, or suffix  Meaning Examples 
a without amoral, amorphous, asexual
ambi-on both sidesambidextrous, ambivalent
ante- before or in front antecedent, antedate
anti- againstantipathy, antisocial
aqu/aqua water aquatic, aqueous, aquarium, aqueduct
bene-goodbenefit, benediction, benevolent
bi-two bifurcate, biannual, bisect
bio- life biology, biography, biome
cede/ceed go or yield precede, exceed, recede
circum- around circumscribe, circumnavigate, circumvent
contra- against or opposite contradiction, contraception, controversy
cycl circle bicycle, cyclical
de- reduce or remove deescalate, defenestrate, decelerate
di-, dis- apart or away digress, disappear, diverge
dict speak or say edict, dictation, dictator, prediction, contradiction
dox belief orthodox, paradox, heterodox
du-, duo- two dual, duology, duochrome
em-, en- into, in embrace, enclose, encircle
esce becoming coalesce, adolescence, obsolescent, tumescent
ex- out or way exit, exhale, extirpate, exile
extra-, extro- beyond or outside  extraordinary, extraterrestrial
fid/e faith bonafide, fidelity, confide
fore before, previously, earlier forestall, before, forebear, forebode, forecast
Eve ex-gram writing, letters diagram, grammar, epigram, telegram
graph writing, recording stenography, autograph, graphics
ex-hetero- different heterosexual, heterozygous, heterogeneous, heterodox
homo- same homogenous, homosexual, homologous
hyper- excessive  hyperactive, hyperbole
hypo- under, below hypothermia, hypocrite, hypoglycemic
inter- between intercede, interlude
intra-/intro- inside, within introvert, intramural, intravenous
junct joining juncture, conjunction, disjunct
-less without listless, aimless, heartless
-logy the study of biology, geology, psychology
mal, male bad, evil malediction, malice
mis- bad or incorrect misprint, misbehave, misstep
-ness state of being likeness, greatness
non- not, without nonfiction, nonresident
ob- or before obdurate, obfuscate
omni- all, everything omnipotent, omniscient, omnivorous
pedi, pede Jackson foot pedestrian, pedicure
phillove or affinity bibliophile, philanthropy
pre-before or earlierpretest, preamble
pro-before or forward proceed, prologue
re-again, backwards reaction, rebound, reuse
sub-under or lower submarine, subprime
temptimetemporal, contemporary, temporarily
torttwist tortuous, contortion
trans- across or beyondtransnational, transit
un- not or opposite unimpressive, unwanted, unwarranted


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