List of Mine Officials and Competent Persons


  1. Mines Safety Officer
  2. Asst. Manager, Under-Ground Manager.
  3. Ventilation Officer.
  4. Mines Engineer
  5. Mines Surveyor
  6. Fire Officer ( In oil Mines)
  7. Certifying Surgeon.
  8. Medical Officer.
  9. Welfare Officer.
  10. Electrical Supervisor, (Under Indian Electricity Rules).
  11. Mechanical and Electrical Foreman.
  12. Workmens' Inspector.
  13. Dust In charge.
  14. Sampling Incharge
  15. Overman / Foreman
  16. in charge of Mine or District
  17. in charge of weekly examination of shafts, inclines, and other outlets.
  18. in charge of weekly examination of haulage and traveling roads,
  19. Training Officer
  20. Instructor and Training Supervisor


  1. Shotfirer / Blaster.
  2. Main Fan and Mechanical Ventilator attendant.
  3. Lamp Room In Charge.
  4. Winding engine man.
  5. Haulage engine man.
  6. Banksman and onsetter.
  7. Signaler.
  8. Persons in charge at the top and bottom of any haulage plane or incline.
  9. Timberman.


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